Tuesday, July 5, 2011

{Win a Free Senior Session}

::Attention 2012 HS Seniors::

Want to win a FREE Senior photo session and CD of 5 images with release?
Comment below with your email address before July 11th to enter for your chance to win!


1 comment/entry per person
Must be a HS Senior Class of 2012
Must have parents permission (for Seniors under 18 years of age).

Deadline to enter is 11pm on July 11th 2011.  Winner will be chosen through Random.org and will be announced on July 12th!

Good Luck !!


  1. Great photo's on your website! Boone Grove High School Senior 2012!
    Thanks, Brianna
    email: finalsetoflimbs@gmail.com

  2. My names Jessica and I would like to enter my niece Erica Goodson. Her email address is gingie_girl_082493@yahoo.com. She turns 18 the first day of her senior year. Love her and so proud of her.

    jessie18_82@hotmail.com if you need to contact me.

  3. My friend took pictures with you, and they are exactly what I've wanted/ needed. Thank you,
    email: agostoxattack@yahoo.com
